Have you ever wondered how the experienced Internet Marketers Generate loads of Traffic?

Copyright @2005 Ryan Blake

Here's a two pronged approach to getting the traffic you need and find out exactly what your customers want.

Why not Combine Surveys and Polls With Pay per click.
I'm sure you already know that surveys are a great way to finding out what your target market wants but if combined with low cost, quick and easy to use Google Pay Per Click, surveys can also send lots of hungry customers to your site every month.

First of all you'll need to do some keyword research you'll need to find keywords and keyphrases that relate to your survey topic but also don't have too many Google Adword campaigns running.
You can do this very quickly with a tool like Jeff Alderson's Adword Analyzer, which will show you exactly how many Google campaigns are running for various keywords at any given time.

Second, sign up for an inexpensive survey service like Survey Monkey.
I won't recommend free survey services, for they tend to limit the number of participants, and well the whole point is to get as many people as possible to take your survey.
The next step is to design a survey that will appeal to your target market.

Next, come up with an incentive for people to take your survey,
Make it a download, so you can capture the prospect's email address.
And make it viral. Even a simple white paper can be viral.
You don't necessarily have to cram it with affiliate links just make sure your URL is visibly listed on every page now put up a simple web page that introduces people to the survey topic, offers the incentive, asks for an email address where you can send the download link and the survey results, and links to the survey.

Finally, use at least a dozen of the keywords you researched earlier to set up Google Adwords campaigns advertising your survey.
Make sure the ad uses your keyword, and that it mentions the incentive "Take this Cooking survey, get a free recipe E-book."
You don't have to be the #1 ad, you can even be on the second or third page.
The point is to capture a targeted prospect's contact information for a very small investment.
But there are also some additional serious benefits in addition to all the traffic you'll gain.
First, you'll collect valuable information on what your prospects are looking For.
Second, you'll have their permission to contact them with the survey results and the download link for the thank you gift.
And third, if you make that free gift a viral report, you'll eventually get more targeted traffic. Nice!
You can also do a variation of this with a simple one question poll.
Everything else is the same, except you'll want to come up with an intriguing question for the poll - something that will attract people's curiosity about the results and get them coming back for more and hopefully bring some friends along too.

Good luck with the future.
Ryan Blake.


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